I think this may be the most unusual ride I ever do. The turn of events appears to be so. This evening is my 2nd night at the Ed and Amy Streeper home, I came in last night very, very tired and needed rest. Ed had seen a posting on Facebook I believe and had invited we weary travelers in. Ed and Amy are world champion Mushers, DOG SLEDDERS. Ed has finished in first place more places in North America than any other musher, he is passionate about it, even if this is towards the end of his career. Eleven time Canadian World Open Champion, World Champion in Anchorage, Fairbanks and many other the list is long. His kennel clean and organized well. Amy is only one of two women to ever win the Open American in Fairbanks, AK. I rode into a home of celebrities! and…received a much needed rest, food and a safe place for the horses.
The night before I arrived here at the Streeper residence I spent the night on Buffalo Lake at the fishing access next to a campground. Summer vacationers drifted over all night, very pleasant evening.
The night before that I was hosted by HIGHTAIL RANCH AND RESCUE.at Hawley, MN. www.hightailranchandrescue.com they have a very impressive program in operation. What stood out was how many horses were being rehabilitated by matching up an adoption home, but the horse and rider work together at the Ranch before going home together, great program. please check them out. On my way out I rode under this bridge.
That afternoon Dan Bergstom stopped by to visit as I rested, all the gear off the horses. He later returned with 4 children in tow and brought out delicious chocolate cookies. I turned my back and Spirit had them in her mouth, but I wrestled her for them and the plastic bag, surprisingly was not punctured and so I ate them.
I feel like I have ridden into a strange new land. The smell of lakes, the birds!! my goodness bird song from early morning until late night, the frogs and crickets continue on thru the night. Loons, swans. pelicans, ducks and geese. The foliage is dense, jungle like compared to Montana, the air is thick when the wind ceases to move it. The mosquito’s and no-seeum’s are just everywhere!

The horses as you see are covered for that reason. I use inexpensive bed sheets that can be purchased for a few dollars at a thrift store. I am not sure what my girls think of the attire, but they never mind when it goes on. My sister MaryAnn is sending out lighter ones as I ride in the fly masks.
Let me recap my ride into Minnesota, it was challenging as I had to come north off hwy 10 up into North Fargo, it was the only way. Freeway crossing, industrial area, railroads, airport, and a busy four lane had to be negotiated and I tell you I could not be more proud of my two girls they handled it like professionals, like a well trained police horse! It takes courage on their part.
From Tower City, ND. I was invited in by George Richman, grain farmer, where I stayed in his HUGE machine shed with the horses, I rarely sleep away from the horses!! I had dinner with the family and was thoroughly entertained by his 5-7-8 year ? old daughters and their friend with a song and dance routine they performed in the living room. Delightful. At that age I to did these performances, wonderful, I also took cookies and homemade rolls out with me from Mrs. Richman. AND… pictures the girls drew.
Spent the hot afternoon at the Castleton School resting the horses. Principle and teachers and children all came out to visit, brought me ice cream and cake, and you may wonder about my eating habits,I know but I also had cooked wild greens and hard-boiled eggs that day. One of the boys told me ” Hagges Bar and Supper Club would let me camp behind their place, I just know they will” he said. “NO” said the little girl standing next to him, you’ll have to tie your horses up tight. Now I am thinking its an old kind of bar and well I have stayed at many places like that- out back. But Hagges was no “old kind of bar”. A very large very nice facility, but Josh and his father Garland own the place, were intrigued at my travels and put me up on the beautifully groomed lawn out front, I carry a pooper scooper!! Now I was treated to supper and had a shower and oh my sometimes it is over whelming that people are so generous.
But here it gets kind of interesting because at Hegges the waitress set me up with a girlfriends parents that once raised buffalo and “they just have a perfect place for you” and sent a message of my coming and so I thought all was fine. Well what I did not know was there was no place for the horses to stay, the fences and sheds were all gone and a message which I never did receive had been sent telling me so. So when I arrived at my destination a very confused but friendly face opened the door and I could tell as soon as I rode into the lovely home of Kathy and Bill Byers north of Dilworth, MN. that mistake had been made, I wanted to cry! BUT Kathy worked it out and they found a place for me and I spent the night and the next day it rained so there I was even longer and by this time well Kathy and I had much in common and were good friends and spent the day running errands and just being girlfriends. Neighbors Tony and Evelyn Karppinen had a metal building with antique cars and motor home, the horses needed shelter for rest so we moved over there. After a refreshing gin and tonic I was out, not for long, I was up at 4am preparing to ride.
I have for the first time brought with me a computer so I am better equipped to stay in touch with others. This also lets me connect with the offers to over night as I do need help, the horses must be in for rest if I do not have wind to keep the bugs off their tired backs. So that’s if for now> I will be spending 5 days with my family that are driving up to meet me near Remer, MN. I should be out of Minnesota by the end of next week. Then I must look at Wisconsin and Michigan, tricky spots to negotiate.
Again to each and everyone of you who have helped or have stopped with interest, or those of you have supported with donations, a sincere and hearty thank you.
Happy Trails Bernice