Work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of
having value:
Perhaps that is what I do? I’d never heard the term until yesterday when a
friend of Gil and Terri Amman told us when we drove to Mt.Pleasant for a box
I needed containing horseshoes and a repeat stop at COPS AND DOUGHNUTS.
The Amman residence (northwest) of Flint will be my last stop in Michigan.

Gill hauls me over to New Hudson in the
morning where I’ll pick up a long
haul from Clyde Miles who will take me and my
girls east of Cleveland, Ohio. I
came in Tuesday afternoon when Terri found
me at the Brant corner near
the store looking lost and forlorn. She came
over rather hesitantly, “are you
the lady….?” She’d seen me on the COPS AND
DOUGHNUTS Facebook page.
Well long story short she took the lady long
rider home and it was fast friends

in a very short time.
IT HAS BEEN A DELIGHTFUL STOP….and I needed help with shoeing, boxes
and I needed to make a new pair of riding breeches, this was a perfect stop.
Funny how it always works!
So I bid ado to Michigan, to the first half of my ride, to many,many good
people and breathtaking scenery, it’s been a spectacular ride thru Michigan!!
The list of people who have helped facilitate this part of my ride is lengthy, it is
quite impossible to do these rides without the assistance of folks like Gil and
Terri, or Dee Dee Carter.

A heartfelt thank you goes out each and every day. Tomorrow in New Hudson
I’ll be meeting family members,friends and media. I then haul over to the
Pennsylvania/ Ohio border to continue this lengthy 8000 mile international
“To each and everyone whose path I cross a sincere thank you for the interest
the support the encouragement, I could not have done it with out you.”
Happy Trails
Your lady long rider Bernice Ende
List of a few news media from the past month:
Maarja Anderson,Reporter
Morning sun Mt Pleasant, MI
WCMU Public Broadcasting Mt.Pleasant
Roscommon County Voice
Gaylord Herald Times
Midland News