I am so glad I had the sense not to ride thru Glens Falls on my ride out of Fort Edward. Packs were heavy and the horses lively. And Me, it takes a few weeks before I am back into the swing of things. The first 2 weeks are always the most dangerous. We headed west but around thru Corinth were I made my first night out with the Clothiers whom I stayed with on my eastward trek in September 2014.
Larry Holmes set on new horseshoes, he did an exceptional job. I can understand why he came highly recommended.

at Glens Falls Library where she works. Her and her husband have a beautiful farm, reminded me of Montana.
The Clothiers passed us onto friends, Jay Brosky and Kathy Pettelli’s home where I spent the night in the back of a pick up with the horses tied outside close to me. (I must be near the horses at night)
From Jay’s and Kathy’s (another place that reminded me of Montana! I stayed at the home of Cynthia and Dave Hyde,(in Thurman,) who was a friend of Duane Burch whom I met on my eastward trek and it was yet another place that had me feeling like I was back in Montana. Earthy, warm, wood stove, home cooking, cozy places.

Across the road from Cynthia’s and Dave’s a sugar shack was spewing out steam. I headed over for a tour as I have never seen one.