From Cynthia and Dave Hyde’s home we traveled north where we had been passed along to Richard Steward’s home.

Richard Steward has resided in this same house for 73 years! The Hamlet of Sodom. Four generations of Adirondack families. Now he and his step son Dick Hornick live here. A great deal has changed in those 73 years but one thing that has not is the hospitality and Richards good cooking!

I ride two days I hold up 4 days. The day after I rode into Dick and Richard’s place a snow front came in and here I am again, waiting. But its part of the ride take what weather you get, move on, appreciate the help and generosity because many days one can end up feeling like a homeless person on the road to nowhere. Montana is a long way off can’t get in a hurry, will taint the ride with anxiousness. Nothing fast about long riding.
Please check out The Fort Edward Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for more sensational photos by Fred Wehner