Leslie Adler Residence, Madrid, New Mexico February 8th, 2018
I met Leslie and her husband Jerry(now deceased) on my first ride. We have been friends ever since. Always nice to see her again.
Jerry and Leslie in 2006 with Honor and Claire Dog, a 5000 mile ride, just a few hours after I left their place.
Ride from Silver City to Madrid, New Mexico – Jan. 26th, 2018
Please remember I am not “Long Riding” right now. These are short little 2/3oo mile jaunts and I haul as need or want dictates. “Long Riding” is all together different than what I am doing this winter. This is vacation riding! smiles.
Pat Wolph’s – the girls saying goodbye to the lovely accommodation at Pat’s home.
This trail angel Bonnie Freeman found me north of Caballo State Park where I’d spent the night after Pat dropped us off. Nice horse facilities. The park is South of Truth or Consequences on the Rio Grande River. Bonnie set me up at the Seirra County Fair grounds, found hay and then took me to supper! She had a hard time remembering things but she sure did not forget about me.
Campsites along the way.
Water and a molasses lick. Stopping for an afternoon break. Cattle on BLM land. I could not be riding this country if they were not out here. Mona Bauman and her daughter Grace brought out hay on this stop, there sure wasn’t much for the horses, more trail angel work.
Coming into San Antonio, NM.
Had a tip off from a local rancher that Rex Klietz might put me and my girls up for a night. Well Rex turned out to be a retired Philosophy teacher who’d taught at several major university. His caregiver Robin was a pastry chef and they had a visitor who had wore the cap of meteorologist at the White Sand Military Facility. You can only imagine the conversation that evening over a glass of brandy.
Here is a perfect example of why I use Roger Robinson’s horse shoes. I ran out of Rogers horseshoes and had to put regular shoes on Liska. These shoes from Liska’s rear hoofs disintegrated before I got into Socorro. They lasted maybe 300 miles is all. A cowboy wearing a black hat but driving a white pickup truck, Dustin Armstrong, JUST happened to be driving out a long ranch driveway and saw me. He went to town and picked up a couple of shoes for me. I put new shoes on off the side of the road with only my leatherman and a small hammer!! Spirits shoes from Rogers The Blacksmith Shop still have 100s of miles left on them.
The Socorro Fairgrounds are south of town. But I had no hay so I rode a short ways to Tractor Supply where the night manager helped me load up with a sack of hay cubes and other supplies I needed.
On my way back I stopped a car that had just driven out the Fairground gate thinking the driver with a little dog hanging out the window (Cowboy) was the caretaker. She was not but she became an instant friend and took me on a tour of the town meeting friends and family and I had such a wonderful time in Socorro because of Connie Robnett. It was SO interesting, and beautiful architecture. The town seemed to be full of musicians and artists. Really “one of those” stops. all smiles Connie all smiles. Here is Connie taking a picture of Spirit.
For a number of reasons I had limited time for the long ride to Madrid. So here she is at it again, Melissa Deaver Riviera who came quick as a snap from Albuquerque and hauled me up to Madrid in time to see a friend whom I may have missed had I not hauled. She also wears a Trail Angel hat, not just from me but with her work with Children’s Hospice in the area. She’s quite the gal and its been an honor getting to know her.
If you can’t look at nature and see yourself in it, you are to far away.