Sister Spotlight: New Member Sister #13405
By Tara Lowder Posted May 9, 2019 In Age & Attitude Series, New Members, Sister Spotlight 1
Author and long-distance horse rider Bernice Ende stands with her stalwart companions from earlier rides: Honor and Claire Dog.

I truly look forward to meeting Bernice at some point in the near future, I hope it is sooner rather than later!
You have had many adventures since you started long riding. Why did you choose to join Sisters on the Fly?
“I’ve always been a solo traveler, one reason being that I ride 10-30 miles a day, and don’t know exactly where I will camp each night, which is often on open public land. Another reason, is that I’d really never heard much of SOTF until Sarah Wilson was telling me about you. Again, I thought I wasn’t a “fit.” Then this year on my book tour, driving my pickup and trailer, camping in the trailer itself, and needing to find those kinds of compatible camping places each night, I felt like maybe I had more in common. But now I am very excited about all the possibilities, meeting Sisters at my talks, but also that Sisters are inviting me to join “events” when my travels meet up with them. One of the reasons I ride is to encourage women leadership. I love independent women!”
What one piece of advice can you offer to another member that is hesitant about “getting out there” alone for the first time?
Fear, the single most definitive reason why most do not “get out there” is a heady thing. And truly it is all in ones head. To proceed with out fear is freedom. Replacing fear with caution, attentiveness and skill is my personal way. The very act of BEING PREPARED will usually in and of itself set one in motion, make the wheels turn. But to be clearly attached to the vision you have set for ones self is also very important be very clear about what and where and why you are going. THEN, prepare. Embrace uncertainty, surprise, mystery.”
I love to ride, my horse Andy is almost 20 so we don’t go very far or very long. At this time in my life I don’t believe I will get another horse. For those that don’t ride or have never ridden but would like to….what would you say to encourage them to do so?
Actually I do not encourage women who have never ridden or who have not ridden for many years to go off on rides and or to purchase a horse. It’s far to dangerous. As we age we lose our response skills, agility nor we do not bounce as we once did.
I do however, encourage older women whose riding skills have faded or have never existed to take riding lessons in a safe environment, on safe horses, with an instructor in an arena with sand!
If you would like to see what Bernice is up to at this very moment, click here: https://www.endeofthetrail.com
By: Debra Nordberg, Sister # 1878, Membership Coordinator