From the Susan B. Anthony organization: “Bernice Ende, Lady Long Rider speaking at our member only event at the Anthony Museum…. Bernice inspires us with her vision and her perseverance (riding on horseback over 30,000 miles cross country in the past 15 years) , and we wish her many happy trails until she is back at the Anthony Museum!”
Bernice speaking in the Carriage House.
Map of Rides, 2005-2018.
Bernice Ende with Debra Hughes who runs the show at the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House – an honor to speak in the same home that this courageous leader lived!
Bernice and Livingston County Sheriff’s Office Sargent Gary Cicoria, surprised to see the crowd waiting for them at Susan B. Anthony’s House and grave site in Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY, 2014. Besides Gary, there were other riders that escorted Essie Pearl, Montana Spirit and I into Rochester to the Susan B. Anthony home in 2014. Photo by John Adamski
Bernice at the grave of Susan B. Anthony, Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York, 2014.
Bernice with Essie Pearl and Montana Spirit at the National Susan B. Anthony Museum & House, Rochester, New York, 2014.
During this visit in 2019, Bernice re-visited Officer Gary Cicoria who, with other officers, led her into Rochester in 2014. Lucky day, Bernice was honored to observe training exercises by the Livingston County Mounted Police.
Gary Cicoria whom I met in Caledonia in 2014 suggested I stop in Hemlock on my way to Syracuse and watch the Livingston County Mounted Police spring tune-up training.
Refresher course for horse and riders. Livingston County Mounted Police