We have been in Canada one week, crossing at Ogdensburg, New York and thru customs with papers all in order all went easy.
The weather has been perfect and as usual the Canadians are so very friendly. The last time I rode in Canada in 2012 I went home and said, ” I am so glad that these Canadians are our northern neighbors.”
This is a short posting as I am at the private home of the Glen Burkholder family. Glen stopped in his car when he saw me and the horses resting by an empty building in Hartwood Lake. He invited me but he and his family lived 30 miles down the road.
Well as I pressed on two ladies from the town council of Bancroft stopped as Mark Williamson has called them to let them know I was riding into town.They took my heavy saddle packs which let us pick up the speed, we rode into the Burkholder home just past 7pm, Mark came out from his home as I rode by earlier in the day. He brought out fresh maple syrup, carrots, and apples.
THEN stopped again to make sure I was doing ok and brought water more carrots and apples. Oh my… this is Canadian hospitably!!!
I am having a wonderful ride. The horses are in good health, moving well and this is just a shout out…Hello and thank you so much all of you that are helping me to make my way across Ontario, Canada.
Happy Trails Bernice
It has been a very busy stop in Ogdensburg but to leave with out visiting the Frederick Remington Museum would have been a shame.
Both Judy Boyer and her Sister Joan Carlisle (Mr.&Mrs. Preston Carlisle are benefactors)joined me on a tour given by Laura Foster director and curator of the museum….a very informative tour of the historic home. Frederick Remington was one of the most famous artists of his time. The museum which to me felt like a sanctuary for his spectacular bronze figures, alive with action. It also shares Remingtons look at Northern New York with oils and sketches depicting his beloved northern wilderness which I had never seen. An almost impressionist quality to them.
Last night I gave a talk at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Service. We had a great turn out for such short notice which Judy had quickly organized. Judy Boyer is an active 4-H leader and the entire week I have spent at her home,children have been coming in to practice their public presentation, Part of the 4-h curriculum. The competition ends at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y.next month!
4-H played an important role in my childhood. It was really ALL we did once school was out for the summer months. As farm children each of us took an animal to the fair but we also learned to sew, cook and do public presentations that would be exhibited at the county fair. I learned for the first time the application of knowledge, the importance of presentation and how to prepare for an event. I’ve done many slide-show presentations for 4-H groups and have been an advocate for the organization for years. It’s good to see after 100 years that 4-H is still alive and well!
Town and Country Veterinary Clinic
904 country route 4, Ogdensburg, NY. 315-393-7338
Raindrop Roundup 4-H members hard at work….
Well I guess this is where I must say…”GOODBYE NEW YORK”. On Saturday, Judy will haul (in a horse trailer) Essie, Spirit and I across the St. Lawrence River into Ontario, Canada. With all of our necessary paper work in order, tack clean, horses rested we shall continue on with the adventure, the journey home.
I could say thank you a 1000 times and it would not be enough. My ride thur the Northeast has been heartwarming, educational, surprising and diverse. As compared to other rides it has been an easy go of it. Plenty of grass and water, plenty of places to camp. Roads were a bit tricky at times, had to haul a couple of time because of the risk some roads offered, simply not worth riding, to dangerous. BUT TO have made it ALL THE WAY TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN! goodness it brings me to tears when I think about it. TO turn around and look behind at the 1000 of miles my two girls and I walked, traveled, endured together.
I’ll be packed light when we leave Saturday and will travel quickly across Ontario to avoid the bugs which are bound to appear anytime soon, presenting miserable riding conditions. The horses are fit, still plenty of steel on their shoes. My new heel cleats that Dick Manel made for me look like tiny horse shoes on my heels…for walking. Its good to be back out. Its good to leave feeling hundreds of smiles, handshakes and encouragement shining on my back.
Happy Trails Bernice
I rode into Judy Boyers home late Saturday afternoon. Judy came out with one of her young 4-H students to make sure I was on the correct trail. Both Judy and Joan are well respected horsewomen in the area. Joan just celebrated her 80th birthday and Judy her 76th and as soon as I met both of them I knew I was among two outstanding time honored horsewomen who have devoted their entire lives to educating thru the equine spirit.