Thank you for your interest in my adventures. If you are would like to book me for an event, please email me at . If you are the media and would like to interview me or do a story, please check out my Media page on this website, for a Media Kit and email link. Many thanks.





Ongoing most of 2020 (Reopening July 1 after closure due to COVID-19) closures)
International Museum of the Horse
Kentucky Horse Park
Display of 100-years-ago suffrage movement on horseback, including Bernice Ende’s photos and equipment when visiting suffrage sites.
4089 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, Kentucky 40511


EQUUS Film Festival 2020
November 13-15, 2020
“Lady Long Rider documentary film, schedule TBD.
Kentucky Horse Park
4089 Iron Works Parkway
Lexington, Kentucky 40511


New York Suffragist Tour – CANCELLED
Estimated time period, late July through August.
Come join Bernice on horseback and in costume.
More info coming.


July 10-12, 2020 – PARTLY CANCELLED
BreyerFest 2020
Update: changed to an online only event.
Bernice Ende will not be presenting.


July 2020 – CANCELLED
Montana Suffragist Tour
Parades, museum visits, and talks in Montana.
Come join Bernice on horseback and in period costume!
More info coming.


July 25, 26, or 27 (date and time tbd) – CANCELLED
Talk, which will likely be open to the public for a small dinner fee.
4-H Horse Camp
Bonners County, Idaho


June 19, 2020 – CANCELLED
4:00 – 7:00 Book Signing and Meet-and-Greet
The Bookshelf
101 S. Main Street
Kalispell, Montana 59901
Contact: Kyle, 406-756-2665


June 19, 2020 – CANCELLED
The Remedial Thinkers
Whitefish, Montana
Contact: Maxine Arnold


June 9, 2020 – CANCELLED
6:30 – 7:30, Presentation, Open to the Public
Back Country Horsemen of the Flathead
Location may change, so please check back here, just beforehand.
Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks
490 N. Meridian Road
Kalispell, Montana 59901
Contact: Dan Oursland, 406-314-8787


April 17-19, 2020 – RESCHEDULED TO 2021
EQUUS Film & Arts Fest – Camden


April 3-5, 2020 – CANCELLED
Iowa Horse Fair


March 17, 2020 – CANCELLED
Metropolitan Community College


March 12, 2020
6:30 Presentation
Posse Cafe, Hall-Valencia Fairgrounds
10 Interstate 25 Bypass
Belen, NM 87002
Contact: Tommy Aber, 505-864-4613 or 505-859-9417


March 12, 2020
1:30 Talk, and Book Signing from Noon – 4:00
Belen Public Library
100 S. Main Street
Belen, New Mexico 87002


February 6, 2020
Chamiza Cowbells Meeting
Truth or Consequences, New Mexico 87901


December 15, 2019, 9:00 am to Noon
Book signing, and meet-and-greet
Black Cat Books & Coffee
128 N. Broadway
Truth or Consequence, New Mexico


December 5-8, 2018
EQUUS Film Festival
Kentucky Horse Park
Lexington, Kentucky


October 2019 Schedule of Talks

October 16
Cliff Public School
Gila, New Mexico

October 11, 6pm & 7:30 pm
Bridgerland Back Country Horsemen Fall Social
Location: North Logan Library
475 E, 2500 N, North Logan, UT
7:30; Guest Speaker in Authors & Illustrators Program
“Riding Into the Unknown: What I learned from 30,000 miles on Horseback” by Montana author and long distance rider, Bernice Ende.
Host: Barbara Middleton, A&I Coordinator,

October 10, About 7:00pm
Location: Utah State University Equine Center
3580 South, US-89, Wellsville, UT 84339
Pizza Dinner, Guest Speaker of Equine Human Bond Club
Host: Judy Smith, Instructor,

October 10, Noon-1:15
North Logan, Utah
Location: Utah State University Equine Center
3580 South, US-89, Wellsville, UT 84339
Guest Speaker in Equine Business Management Class
Dr. Karl Hoopes, Instructor
Host: Judy Smith, Instructor,

October 7 & 8, Montpelier, Idaho
A location and time has not been secured here, but if anyone would like to host a talk while I am in town, please email 

October 3, 7pm
Host: Missoula Backcountry Horseman
Location: Opportunity Resource Center Building
2821 S. Russell Street, Missoula Montana
Contact: Dean Hoistad: 406-207-6067

October 1, 7pm
Host: Northwest Montana Chapter of Back Country Horseman
Location: Forest Service Supervisory Office
650 Wolf Pack Way, Kalispell, Montana
Contact: President Rick Mathies – 406 752-2209


BOOK TOUR: September 2018 through June 2019

Please see Book Tour tab below the Events tab on the Home page for full book tour list of engagements. Thank you.


2018 Events in Eastern Montana

September 30, 2018, 12:45 – 2:15 p.m.
Montana Book Festival
Memoir Panel at the Fact and Fiction Bookstore
220 N. Higgins Avenue, Missoula, MT 59802

August 4, 2018, Helena Library, 1:00 p.m.
Contact Suzanne for more info.  406 -447-1690

August 3, 2018, Clancy Library, 6:00 p.m.
Contact Carli for more info.  406- 933-5254

August 2, 2018, Whitehall Library, 6:30 p.m.
Contact Jeannie for more info.  406-287-3763

August 1, 2018, Choteau Library, 7:00 p.m.
Contact Dell for more info.  406-466-2052

July 31, 2018, Boulder Library, 6:30 p.m.
Contact Jodi for more info.  406-225-3241


April 21st, 2018 – Saturday at noon – Slideshow presentation

Hosted by The Most Unlikely Place

Main street, Lewellen, Nebraska

1-Bernice, Republic Main Intersection-002

International Long Rider Bernice Ende will be presenting a one hour slide show presentation at The Most Unlikely Place Cafe and Art Gallery, Main street, Lewellen, NE. Please join us as Bernice shares her exciting, often times inspiring, and amusing stories from her 14 years and 30,000 miles of equestrian travel.

Sat. April 21,st 2018 at noon. Lunch menu available. Call Cynthia at 308-778-9557 or .


 2017 Events

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


update – time change – talk will begin at 3pm

Join us for an evening discussion on the life and career of Linda Francis James Benitt, the first female graduate of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The presentation will begin by briefly exploring the context of women at Harvard at the turn of century, as well as Linda James’ life in Boston as a young student. Next, Bernice Ende, Linda’s great niece, will share her personal insights on Linda’s life, as well how she inspired her toward ultimately becoming a “lady long rider”.
Linda Frances Jamess (pictured above in 1915) was the first woman to graduate from the Harvard-M.I.T. School for Health Officers (predecessor of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health), receiving her C.P.H. in 1917. As a young public health professional in Boston, Linda worked as a Medical Social Worker at Massachusetts General Hospital, and and the Director of After-Care Division at the Harvard Infantile Paralysis Commission. Her professional life shifted in 1922 when she married William A. Benitt, a young attorney from Goodhue, Minnesota. The couple decided to leave their careers and become farmers on Apple Acres—a 200-acre farm in South Washington County, Minnesota.In addition to life on the farm, James remained an active advocate for education, public health, and community. A two-part blog series on Linda is available here.
Bernice Ende was raised on a Minnesota dairy farm where riding was always an integral part of her life. After pursuing a career teaching classical ballet on the west coast, Ende moved to Trego, Montana, a remote part of North West Montana where she continued teaching ballet. Her retirement in 2003 brought not a lack of activity, but rather a change in focus. Drawn back to riding, Bernice felt the pull of the open road and adventure inherent in serious riding. Her first ride in 2005 has continued into the present. Now thirteen years later, having acquired nearly 30,000 equestrian miles, she inspires and encourages female leadership with her travels. For more information Ende, visit her website:
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Minot Room, 5th Floor
Countwy Library
Harvard Medical School
10 Shattuck Street, Boston MA 02115
Free and open to the public.
Registration is required. Questions? Email us at .



2016 Events

I will be giving a slideshow presentation for the Back Country Horseman on September 13th at 7pm in the First National Bank, Libby Montana.

For more information contact Cindy Betlach – 406 295-5781

Public is welcome.


Three events scheduled for the 3rd week of April

Hope to see you at one of them!

2016 show flier