Published in Country Life Magazine March 2015,
Lisbon, New York – Judy Boyer residence (east of Ogdensburg) April 19th,2016
sister Joan Carlisle
I rode into Judy Boyers home late Saturday afternoon. Judy came out with one of her young 4-H students to make sure I was on the correct trail. Both Judy and Joan are well respected horsewomen in the area. Joan just celebrated her 80th birthday and Judy her 76th and as soon as I met both of them I knew I was among two outstanding time honored horsewomen who have devoted their entire lives to educating thru the equine spirit.

April 10th, 2015 near North Creek, New York
From Cynthia and Dave Hyde’s home we traveled north where we had been passed along to Richard Steward’s home.

Richard Steward has resided in this same house for 73 years! The Hamlet of Sodom. Four generations of Adirondack families. Now he and his step son Dick Hornick live here. A great deal has changed in those 73 years but one thing that has not is the hospitality and Richards good cooking!

I ride two days I hold up 4 days. The day after I rode into Dick and Richard’s place a snow front came in and here I am again, waiting. But its part of the ride take what weather you get, move on, appreciate the help and generosity because many days one can end up feeling like a homeless person on the road to nowhere. Montana is a long way off can’t get in a hurry, will taint the ride with anxiousness. Nothing fast about long riding.
Please check out The Fort Edward Chamber of Commerce Facebook page for more sensational photos by Fred Wehner
Kristyn did a nice story in her magazine.
April 5th, 2015
I am so glad I had the sense not to ride thru Glens Falls on my ride out of Fort Edward. Packs were heavy and the horses lively. And Me, it takes a few weeks before I am back into the swing of things. The first 2 weeks are always the most dangerous. We headed west but around thru Corinth were I made my first night out with the Clothiers whom I stayed with on my eastward trek in September 2014.
Larry Holmes set on new horseshoes, he did an exceptional job. I can understand why he came highly recommended.
at Glens Falls Library where she works. Her and her husband have a beautiful farm, reminded me of Montana.
The Clothiers passed us onto friends, Jay Brosky and Kathy Pettelli’s home where I spent the night in the back of a pick up with the horses tied outside close to me. (I must be near the horses at night)
From Jay’s and Kathy’s (another place that reminded me of Montana! I stayed at the home of Cynthia and Dave Hyde,(in Thurman,) who was a friend of Duane Burch whom I met on my eastward trek and it was yet another place that had me feeling like I was back in Montana. Earthy, warm, wood stove, home cooking, cozy places.
Across the road from Cynthia’s and Dave’s a sugar shack was spewing out steam. I headed over for a tour as I have never seen one.
See that drum, it’s full of Maple syrup and it takes 40 drums of raw sap to make one drum of the famous, and delicious syrup we are all so fond of. The “shack” as they are referred to was very modern with stainless steel containers to boil the syrup in. Owners Mike Hill and Ralph Senecal poured warm fresh maple syrup into a container for me to take with me. WOW what else could I say, but wow?
There is still quite a bit of snow as I climb northward into the Adirondack Mountains, I must rely on help with hay and grain and places to camp with the horses. Even in its bare black and white phase I must admit this is spectacular country.
Departing Fort Edward–April 2nd, 2015
March 2015 Fort Edward, New York
Speaking engagements for March
March 4th at the Argyle Senior Meeting, 11am located at the Argyle Fire Hall
Contact Loree Ann Bane at 638-8788
March 7th at the Hillview Free Library 11am 3717 Lake Shore Dr Diamond Point, NY 12824 (518) 668-3012
March 11th at the Equinox Village 3pm 49 Maple St Manchester Center, VT
Kylee Ryan (802) 362-4061
March 12 Thursday, 7pm Poultney Recreation Commission and The Women’s Club..Poultney,Vermont ..Sheryl Porrier contact 802 353-7212…
March 16th in South Glen Falls at the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd 198 Bluebird Rd. South Glens Falls, NY. 12803 518-792-1000 Krista
March 18th private talk for Women’s Teachers Organization
Tracy Watson
President Delta Kappa Gamma
March 20th in Granville, New York at 7pm the Community Center, near the Library Contact Nancy Williams at 642-0709
and last but not least a Farewell Talk March 21st 7pm at the Fort Edward Visitor Center ..11 Rogers Island Dr Fort Edward, NY 12828 518 747 3693, Contact Neil at Anvil Inn or the Fort Edward Chamber of Commerce Refreshments, come one come all!!!
Skidmore College, In Saratoga, New York 1 pm on Tuesday March 31 in Emerson Auditorium on the Skidmore campus.

photos from Lila Myer
Layers upon layers
piling doubt
in the face of my journey.
Will I make it?
Find my way, a trail home.
Anchoring to memories, of friends
so far away to pull me thru
the…..3 feet of snow.