Basha O’Reilly of the International Long Riders Guild sent a copy of Cheval a prestigious equestrian Magazine from France. Basha wrote an article about my rides in the December issue of 2014. I do not have an English translation to share with you, sorry.
Our hostess Darleen greeting us to historical Fort Edward, New York
Filled with slide-show presentations, snow & ice, rest, books and new friends, our time in the Glens Falls, New York area – the winter of 2014/15 is slipping away.
.Gave a talk for the members of Fort Edward’s book club, (a lively bunch)
Horse Illustrated did a very nice article by Dusty Perin in the Feb. issue.
Glens Falls lovely historical Crandall Library
Essie and Spirit are happy, healthy, full of mischief. Thank you so very much to those of you who have generously donated hay, grain, brought apples/carrots and attention for the two deserving horses.
There is much more snow on the ground now. These are collapsible water buckets from OutFitters Supply in Montana… they work great as feed bags!!
Wishing all of you the very best Holiday Season. There never seems to be enough thank you’s, but please, please know my heart is fill with deep appreciation. Know that…”I could not have done it without you.”
Here in the autumn of 1777, American forces met, defeated and forced a major British army to surrender. This crucial American victory in the Battle of Saratoga renewed patriots’ hopes for independence, secured essential foreign recognition and support, and forever changed the face of the world. Saratoga National Historical Park is located 40 miles north of Albany, the state capital, and approximately 15 miles southeast of Saratoga Springs.
Kristi and Julia drove me down to Saratoga, for a day of snow shoeing and history lesson Joe Craig “a walking encyclopedia” gave us further details of the battle
The girls and I have settled comfortably into Eastern New York. Snow arrived last week with a burst of energy but has now disappeared under warm sunny skies. Essie and Spirit have prepared for a cold winter like we have in Montana but I doubt they will need the thick coats they are sporting. We shall see.
what we left behind in April of this year, the eastern front of Montana Rocky Mountains magnificent country Belligerent winds were at our backs