$5 off on documentary DVD when you pay via PayPal
From Midnight Friday until Midnight Monday.
Thank you, All!

$5 off on documentary DVD when you pay via PayPal
From Midnight Friday until Midnight Monday.
Thank you, All!
Approaching her 50th birthday, Bernice Ende picked up the reins and rode south on a borrowed horse. Her plan was to visit her sister, a 2000-mile ride from Montana to New Mexico. She never imagined that facing the challenges of life alone on the road, would take her so much further.… In Lady Long Rider, Bernice shares the miles of insight she gained on the horseback ride that ultimately became a 15-year 30,000-mile journey of self discovery.
What Bernice has to say about the film:
I was reluctant to watch the film. As I told the filmmaker, Wren Winfield, ‘I’ve lived it, I don’t need to watch it.’ However, curiosity got the best of me. Words failed me, but my tears did not. I was deeply moved by Wren’s ability to capture the essence of my rides. I applaud her presentation of my life with such artistic beauty and sincere dedication to depicting both the narrative and the insights gained from my life as a long rider.”
W+E1 Productions is pleased to announce that the film “Lady Long Rider” is now available for purchase. And I, Bernice, are pretty darn thrilled, too! (smiles)
PURCHASE THE FILM here, through the filmmaker, Wren Winfield, at W+E1 Productions.
I have often times said, “The one word that best describes a long ride is uncertainty.” Not knowing where the water would come from, where will I camp?, Will there be grass for the horses? Day after day of uncertainty. I got use to it. Having to recover my mind again and again from a flood of doubt, racing off like a runaway horse. Struggling inwardly with stillness, trusting in life, humbly accepting and appreciating that which did come my way.
Many, many of you are struggling with this world of uncertainty. With families that need food, jobless, closed up inside with a future that has one guessing and speculating with mind games. Uncertainty pounds at our doors.
Hopefully in these days of trials and tribulations as the pandemic rages on, you will find yourself asking, “What really is important? How much do I need? How has this shaped or changed myself and/or my family?” I sincerely hope you find, if only in passing moments of clarity, time to be quiet, time for reflection.
One thing that never left me even in those long riding days that seemed so hard and endless was, “Will this never end?” I always knew that I would make it. I never lost faith in my ability of completing the journey. Eventually, everything changes.
If there is any one thing that I hope for you, it is that you carry THAT with you, “You will make it, we will make it, this country will make it.” Use attentiveness, caution, and skill. Wipe your mind free of debilitating fear – it’s useless, paralyzing. Find courage to move forward knowing – knowing this time is here for a reason and is still a time for discovery, learning, and growing for our families and ourselves.
Nurture, tend, and advocate for that which you love.
I spent the past winter which all seems a lifetime ago, far away, in the town of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. The Corona Virus closed up the town a couple of weeks following my departure. All my speaking engagements have canceled, as well as the 2020 Suffragist Tour. I know how many of you are feeling – having the future swept out the door, no income! We are all of us are in this together.
I’ve been in isolation at the home of W+E1 productions, southwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Wren Winfield and Eric Kraus have been hosting my stay and made it possible for me to be in a safe place. My tent campsite is set up in a grove of Juniper trees with the horses nearby and a sweeping view to the western horizon. I’ve been off the horses for two months with a leg injury (I’m on the path of recovery). My horses are bored, they want out, and “lets run, see new sights,” they whinny. Next month I’ll travel north to Montana, that will make them happy, more grass!
In closing – I sincerely hope you find moments of delight, moments when sunshine casts a bright, forgiving light into your life.
Nice section about Bernice, one of seven authors featured in this article.
Excerpt from Bernice giving her panel presentation at the 2019 EQUUS Film Festival. Bernice’s part is from 32:55 – 1:01:15.
Both interviews are very interesting. The audio is a little rough in places, as both ladies had recently lost their voices!
We are thrilled to have so many people interested and following Bernice and her adventures. We want you all to keep in touch, so this is what this post is about.
Bernice is camping, without internet, almost full time. She is online briefly, once or twice a week – reading emails, filling book orders, scheduling, and then catching what messages and comments she can. Also, her personal Facebook page just reached the maximum number of Friends allowed, so no more Friend requests can be accepted. (We were receiving 100 per day – Thank You!)
Here are the ways you can follow Bernice and not miss a single post.
– Ende of the Trail website blog “Current Ride”, (please enter email to subscribe)
– Facebook personal page, “Bernice Ende” (please Follow)
– Facebook professional page, “Lady Long Rider – Bernice Ende” (please Like and Follow)
– Instagram account for the film, “Lady Long Rider” (please Follow)
– Website for the film, “Lady Long Rider
– Email:
The first three options above – her website blog and both Facebook accounts – all have the same posts, so you won’t miss anything if you prefer one format over another. On her Facebook accounts, you can choose among Follow, Get Notifications, See First, Notifications On, etc., so you need not be a Facebook “Friend” to get Notifications.
Thank you ALL, so much, for your continued interest, enthusiasm, and “heart”.